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Self-Employed Mortgages

Tips for Self-Employed Mortgages

Securing a mortgage as a self-employed individual in the UK can feel like navigating a maze. Unlike traditionally employed individuals who can easily provide pay slips and employer references, self-employed applicants must jump through additional hoops. However, with the right preparation and understanding of the process, you can successfully obtain a mortgage that meets your needs.

Why Is It Harder to Get a Mortgage When Self-Employed?

Being self-employed often means fluctuating income, which can make lenders wary. Banks and mortgage lenders want assurance that you can consistently make your mortgage payments. According to Halifax, lenders typically require more evidence of income stability from self-employed applicants compared to those in regular employment. This includes comprehensive documentation of earnings and business viability over several years​.

The elimination of self-certification mortgages in 2014 added another layer of complexity. These mortgages allowed applicants to declare their income without the need for verification but were discontinued due to the financial risks they posed​. As a result, self-employed individuals must now provide extensive financial records to prove their income stability.

Self-Employed Mortgages

Key Requirements for a Self-Employed Mortgage

To qualify for a self-employed mortgage, you’ll need to provide various documents that demonstrate your financial health and business stability. Here are the primary requirements:

  1. Proof of Income:
    • Most lenders require at least two years of certified accounts prepared by a qualified accountant​.
    • SA302 forms or a tax year overview from HMRC for the last two to three years​.
    • Bank statements and business records showing consistent income.
  2. Credit Score:
    • A good credit score is crucial. Lenders will scrutinise your credit history to assess your reliability in repaying loans​.
  3. Deposit:
    • The larger the deposit, the better your chances of securing a favourable mortgage rate. A deposit of at least 5-10% is typically required, but higher deposits can significantly improve your application​.
  4. Proof of Identity and Address:
    • Valid identification (e.g., passport or driving licence) and recent utility bills for proof of address are standard requirements​.
  5. Business Viability:
    • Demonstrating the long-term viability of your business can bolster your application. This may include providing a detailed business plan, profit and loss statements, and future income projections​.

Tips to Improve Your Chances

While meeting the basic requirements is essential, there are several strategies you can employ to improve your chances of mortgage approval:

  1. Save a Larger Deposit:
    • As mentioned, a larger deposit not only improves your loan-to-value ratio but also gives you access to better mortgage deals. Aim to save at least 20% if possible​.
  2. Boost Your Credit Score:
    • Pay off existing debts, avoid taking out new loans, and correct any errors on your credit report to enhance your credit score​.
  3. Hire an Accountant:
    • An accountant can ensure your financial records are accurately prepared and meet the lender’s requirements. Some lenders specifically require accounts to be certified by an accountant​.
  4. Limit Business Expenses:
    • While business expenses can reduce your taxable income, claiming too many expenses may make your income appear lower, affecting your mortgage application. Balance your expense claims carefully in the years leading up to your mortgage application​.
  5. Use a Mortgage Broker:
    • A mortgage broker can help you navigate the complexities of the mortgage market, find the best deals, and connect you with lenders more likely to accept self-employed applicants. They offer expert advice and can streamline the application process​.

Additional Considerations for Self-Employed Mortgages

  1. Remortgaging:
    • When remortgaging as a self-employed individual, the process is similar to the initial mortgage application but may require updated financial documentation. Start the process early to lock in favourable rates​.
  2. Buy-to-Let Mortgages:
    • Self-employed individuals can apply for buy-to-let mortgages, which are based on the property’s rental potential and often require a minimum income. Consulting with a mortgage broker can help you explore your options​.
  3. Specialist Lenders:
    • If mainstream banks are hesitant, specialist lenders who cater to self-employed individuals may be a viable option. These lenders understand the unique challenges self-employed individuals face and may offer more flexible terms​.
  4. Income Fluctuations:
    • Address any significant fluctuations in your income by providing a detailed explanation and supporting documentation. Lenders are more likely to approve your application if they understand the reasons behind irregular income patterns​.


Obtaining a mortgage as a self-employed individual in the UK requires careful planning and thorough documentation. By understanding the requirements and taking proactive steps to present yourself as a reliable borrower, you can significantly improve your chances of securing a favourable mortgage. Preparation is key. The more organised and transparent you are about your finances; the more confidence lenders will have in your ability to repay your mortgage.

For more detailed advice and assistance, consider consulting with a mortgage broker or financial advisor who specialises in self-employed mortgages. By leveraging their expertise, you can navigate the mortgage landscape with greater ease and confidence.

With these strategies and a well-prepared application, securing a mortgage as a self-employed individual is within reach. Remember, the key is preparation and presenting a clear, stable financial picture to lenders.


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